Acetaia San Giacomo
Andrea Bezzechi from Acetaia San Giacomo is a perfectionist in everything he does. Acetaia of Ancient San Giacomo has a battery of barrels that have been in the family for many generations.
Andrea now has the three certifications of Tradizionale, Red for minimum 12 years of aging, Silver for 18 years aging and Gold for 25 years of aging.
About the Condimento: Unlike with his Tradizionales, Andrea is not limited by specific rules and regulations. He has handcrafted this product based on his intimate knowledge of the flavor profile of his batteries and his desire to create a specific flavor and texture about Balsamic Vinegar: Tradizionale or Condimento?
About Balsamic Vinegar: Tradizionale or CondimentTrue balsamic vinegar – aceto balsamico tradizionale – is produced only in two districts of Italy: Modena and Reggio Emilia. Like wine, it bears a seal certifying its authenticity. Condimento balsamico is the term for a balsamic vinegar that does not meet these standards – either it is produced elsewhere or it is not certified, a process that requires adheres to established rules. Condimento, however, can be of excellent quality, made by the same basic methods as the tradizionale.
True balsamic vinegar: aceto balsamico tradizionale – is produced only in two districts of Italy: Modena and Reggio Emilia. Like wine, it bears a seal certifying its authenticity. Condimento balsamico is the term for a balsamic vinegar that does not meet these standards – either it is produced elsewhere or it is not certified, a process that requires adheres to established rules. Condimento, however, can be of excellent quality, made by the same basic methods as the tradizionaIe.
In Italy, some makers of tradizionale balsamic make condimento as well. This is the case with the Acetaia San Giacomo.