When you confirm payment, you offer to buy the quantities of goods you selected at the price, delivery cost and any added GST displayed. All orders are subject to this condition.
Your order is accepted once confirmed by us, following our checks of your card details and address and then becomes binding, subject to rights to cancel.
All orders are subject to availability of the products ordered. Should any products be unavailable, or should events beyond our reasonable control occur, we reserve the right to cancel the order without liability and inform you as soon as possible, using the email address you supply.
You own the goods once they are dispatched and with the carrier, or once we receive payment in full for the goods and any delivery charge, whichever is later.
Availability of some products may be subject to seasonal variations.
We try to ensure our stock lists are regularly updated to our website.
We make reasonable effort to ensure the information supplied within our website is accurate and up to date, but we make no warranty or representation as to its accuracy and we take no responsibility for omissions. All images, photographic representation and other information is illustrative only. Any props or items shown in images but not listed, do not form any part of the product.
If you register to buy from our website, you are responsible for the security and confidentiality of your account name and password and all activity that occurs under them. Please advise us intermediately if you suspect your account details are being used without your authority.
By registering you agree to provide the correct registration details, not giving false a name, or impersonating another and to ensure that changes to any details are updated on our website.